Whether I See it or not, it is There.

Well, I was released as a Branch President last Sunday.
What an adventure that was. Maybe I'm understating it by saying that, but that's the first thing that comes to mind.
I really thought I would have more remarks to say about it, but mind often draws a blank. Despite it being one of the shortest terms as a branch president in mission history, I still don't quite feel like I've been released. It could be because of how soon up I found out I was released. The night before the Sunday of that I was being released. So I think it will take a bit of time to fully transition into regular missionary work. I unintentionally went into the clerks office today, for example.
At the end of the day, I am thankful for the experience. In addition to the retrospect, I can't help but feel I could have done more. I really did everything I could with what I was given.
But how I like to think about it is like climbing a mountain. It's a lot easier to picture the entire path from up that high. But you certainly couldn't exactly imagine it from the bottom your first time.
So with that thought, I feel accomplished with what I did. But more so, I've felt so thankful for two things; I am thankful for the things I learned, those that I've gotten to know. As I spoke on Sunday, I couldn't help but think of those that I really had the chance to really know. And to develop trust between people. Oh, how I love these people. The ability to serve others in the way I could was an honor and privilege, no matter how hard things may have been at times. What a blessing.
That is something Elder Bonney, my new companion, have decided to focus on, and I'm actually really looking forward to it. Our cheesy mission statement this transfer is, "Making everyone the one."
I expressed to him the extra focus I wanted to make on each individual person, and their individual needs. I really wanted to plan lessons specific to each person. After all, the Preach my Gospel manual really opened the door for that. We can utilize that.
I believe missionaries may go on their entire missions without a certain experience, because it occurs retrospectively. Two could go through the same experience and yet one will walk out as a different person.
There is seeing someone in their trials; and there is knowing them.
As you stay in tune with the spirit, God will grant you a flash of light, and he will allow you to see something with his perspective; just enough to enlighten your understanding.
And when you gain that insight of his love for a child of God sitting right in front of you, in joy, in saddness, in happiness, or in suffering,
It's overwhelming.
Even so, I don't want to take a back seat in observing or feeling God's love for me an those on this Earth.
I think... That is what I learned this last transfer as a Branch President. God's love is always there. Whether I see it or not. I'll do my best to keep it in sight.
Love you all, and I wish you a blessed week! Good luck in the heat if it's started rolling by. It certain has here.
Elder Dylan Hansen