Total Eclipse of the Heart

It's pretty difficult to not feel frustrated when being spoken over in a conversation. It's remarkable how quickly it can turn into an argument, and quicker to someone (typically the native or the most confident in the language) creating a narcissism conversation. It makes it nearly impossible to share our own beliefs.
Someone we often exchange greetings here in Crete got up from his usual seat at a cafe, and asked us what we were doing here. We explained we are volunteers and missionaries for our church and are teaching people about the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. We learned that he wasn't Othodox Christian and quite interested in talking with us about religion. We had to run, but told him the next time we saw him and had an opportunity to talk we would. It didn't take very long for the opportunity to show itself as we were walking back to our apartment.
We should have figured the conversation wasn't going the direction we would have liked when he got very frustrated we couldn't meet at our apartment. (Missionaries, do you have any way to explain this to someone without them getting offended or super confused?)
We had given him the 13 Article of Faith since our conversation had started with our some very simple beliefs we have.
"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things." Article of Faith 13
"I disagree with 3 things on the thing you gave me," he said. Later saying, "Five things I disagree," yet never explain any of them except for maybe one.
Now, don't get me wrong, he is a good person and takes the time to say hello and show respect. However, I could feel the frustration welling up in us as we shared one thing we believe and it ending there. Without being given the chance to explain why or where it comes from. I remember looking over to my companion and seeing the frustration in his eyes.
The conversation had the intention of being a very healthy discussion of belief, but quickly turned into him trying to explain why our faith didn't make sense, without letting us explain or contribute. Eventually, we said we could maybe talk another time, but we needed to go and left.
I'll say two things about this situation.
1. It isn't productive to have these kind of conversations. If you find yourself or the other person becoming a "Conversation Narcissist" (which is an actual term in sociology by the way) change it or end it. In Greece and Mediterranean countries resides a culture that tends to be 'fiery' for the lack of a better word. Conversations are very passionate. I would not confuse this with conversation narcissism. This can happen anywhere. I hesitate to use the word "bashing" often used by missionaries when referring to arguments, since this can happen without direct references from the bible and I doubt every person is trying to prove you wrong. They might be doing that, or just passionately sharing their beliefs. It isn't our job as missionaries to get frustrated by this and fight to get a word in. Stay calm, and save your energy. Your patience needs it and the Spirit needs it to continually guide you.
If the person is not going to be open to the spirit, the spirit will guide your efforts.
That effort may be as simple as; Go ahead and thank them for the conversation and leave.
2. As a missionary, God isn't concerned if you are the best student of the gospel; learn every single thing you can to prove our faith is true. He cares that you are trying to learn and grow. You must be guided by the spirit in every interaction. Keep it there.
ΚΑΤΑ ΜΑΤΘΑΙΟΝ 5:48[48] Nα είστε, λοιπόν, εσείς τέλειοι, όπως ο Πατέρας σας, που είναι στους ουρανούς, είναι τέλειος. (Matthew 5:48)
Everyone likes to make note that the word in the Bible for "perfect" is "complete" or "finished". Now, I'm no professional in Greek, and hardly even conversational at times, but I've definitely enjoyed reading the Bible in Greek. That has been a wonderful blessing from my mission. The Greek word used today is, Τέλος. As you might expect is in use today, and in fact the examitory, "Τέλια" is very common place. I struggle to explain it in English, but the emphasis on the principle, "Enduring to the End" is such a large aspect in this statement. Interpreting it as being "complete" is not a justification for us being imperfect today. It's a confirmation that our end goal is with God the Father. To be perfect, as our Father in Heaven is.
Will you work towards that? He wants so much for you to return to Him.
The word "eclipse" comes from the Greek word έκλειψη. It means, "disapear".
The Son's light always shines. What will you do to keep your heart from becoming eclipsed from his light? He stands with open arms. There is no trial or adversity that will stop you from making the choice to becoming τέλος.
The eclipse will last only a moment. Just keep moving.
I was debating on sharing thought from my personal study, but that might have to come in another email. It's near the end of the day here.
The work is slow in Crete. And that's okay. We are trying, and God is blessing us every day.
Not a lot happened this week, so I felt it was best to share some thoughts I've had as I've pondered the scriptures. I've begun to find it difficult to put the scriptures down after personal study recently, and it's a good feeling to have return.
I love you all and hope you have a good week! I hope my thoughts may have been meaningful to whomever it might concern.
The weather is getting hotter. Not sure how that works.
Elder Dylan John Hansen
P.S. I've been playing will black and white photos recently. I've been really happy with them! These are some little older pictures and also recent.