Progressing the Work of God

Well-- This will simply be a short one since we had transfer calls tonight.
It's always an interesting time in the transfer. I've always felt from the other missionaries the anticipation is very high. It is valid since, it will be affecting, at least, the next 6 weeks of your mission. As for most things, I don't feel the anticipation up until the moment. Which, of course, is a blessing and a curse.
I could explain the details of the transfer-- but I don't see a point. To those that it is applicable, they will already know it. And, to those it is not, would be redundant. Thus, I'll hinder to do so, but express that I've been deeply thankful for this transfer and all that I have learned. And will continue to learn here in Athens. I have been particularly thankful for the efforts of the members, since a number of them I would consider close friends, and the missionaries equally so.
There is a phrase, a word rather, in Japanese that I always find myself returning to when farewells are due.
Despite the common misconception this is a way of saying 'goodbye' in Japanese, I was explained it means more than that. It's a greeting that, basically, denotes it is in an indefinite amount of time.
I recall stories from my Japanese teacher who explained he moved around Japan quite often. Saying goodbye was one thing, but standing at the station and others dropping a さようなら could bring tears to their eyes.
"I didn't understand the meaning of the word until now," his son, who also served there, explained right after he got transferred.
I've never been the biggest fan of changes, particularly of those I interact with on a daily basis. It takes me months to get comfortable with people. However much I've struggled with it on my mission, the changes have always been huge blessing and I've begun to grow from them in leaps and bounds. And the best thing has always been getting to know more people. Each person has a story and adventure. Hearing bits and pieces of them is something my mind craves.
Anyways, I've already written more than I expected. Needless to say, I will have more thoughts to express when the date of changes actually happen, but I'll express them at the proper time and place. As for now, I would say, I love you all and I love the missionaries. For this is truly the work of the Lord.
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