Current Mission - Home MTC/// Status: Complete

For you, it may have been a flash, but let me assure you, it was μακρύς.
Though, it will be a time I treasure due to the knowledge and friends gained. It's honestly hard to keep days straight when you're doing stuff all the time. I challenge you to make a schedule for one Saturday, but you are not allowed to put any space between each event. Even if you need time to travel, make sure you schedule it and estimate. It changes your day. My district has been kinda-lightly doing this for 2 weeks, only to go full force in about 7 weeks. Probably in the MTC to an extent too.
The entire Preston MTC is excited and terrified to have all the missionaries arrive. This Tuesday, they are anticipating about 90 missionaries coming to the MTC at once from around the world. It'll be the most of the missionaries in Preston since Covid. The MTC has been super empty for the past few weeks, so that's why they're excited and terrified. I think we are all feeling that way.
Despite how many missionaries are coming, my district remains in the minority of this group. As far as I can tell (don't quote me on this), my district is the only one studying Greek in the MTCs. Given we haven't heard of another and there are only six of us, it's a fair assumption. It continues to enforce the constant reminders that, "Greek speaking missionaries become a family."
Despite not knowing almost any Greek, Sister Campbell asked each of us to share our testimonies in Greek. Our Greek is very broken, but we each tried. The spirit was so strong. I think we found comfort in that we could still share our feelings without fully understanding Greek.
Pic: Elder Huhtala reads Sister Campbell's favorite mission verse in Greek with ferocity. Wish I could tell you which verse it was, but I can't quite remember.