Bro, I'm not Crying, You Are

Υεια σας!!
My district is the only district doing a 9 week program in the Preston MTC, which means we're gonna be here the longest. MTC psychosis is hitting, man. But it also means we gotta say a lot of goodbyes. The missionaries leaving to England left this week on Tuesday. I know I got emotional saying goodbye to family, and nothing will probably top that about my mission, but even only spending two weeks with these missionaries made it difficult. We met some cool people, and I made some cool friends. A lot of them are gonna make great missionaries.
The gift of tongues is real. Now, keep in mind, I still struggle with Greek, but in 3 weeks of in person MTC, my comprehension of Greek has surpassed my expectations and Japanese comprehension. Weird.
In my prayers, there was one thing I always asked for from the Lord before being set apart. "Please, don't give me leadership positions, let me just serve the people of my mission."
You can imagine my surpised face as Elder Huhtala and I were made the Zone Leaders of the MTC. God has a funny way of answering prayers. I think we've been doing a pretty good job though. Elder Huhtala has a remarkable ability of leading and setting an example. Those of you afraid to serve a mission for similar reasons as this, don't be. God knows what you are capable of and understands who you are.
The lord will magnify your calling.
An hour of personal study and language study is not enough each day. Never thought I'd say that, but hey, I never thought I would be in England learning Greek. You come to value it so much because it's literally time to study what you want, and what you have questions about. Oh, you don't have any questions? Trust me, you'll find them. I was researching the spread of the Israelites into Asia the other day. God will bring to mind things you've always wondered, and you'll find yourself using it in what you talk about as a missionary. You are on the frontlines of leading others to Zion and Christ. A constant reminder is the revelations you receive as you study.
As I went to do my nightly prayer, I felt the strong impression to turn to a random page in the nearest Book of Mormon. "That can't make sense," cause the only one I had near me was in Japanese I couldn't read it comfortably. For the first time in my life, I gave up logical thinking when receiving a prompting, and did it anyway. Great. I couldn't read it. So I looked up the same verse in my English copy. The random verse I had opened up to and pointed at was Alma 32:28. Not only being one of my mother's favorite verses, it was exactly what I needed to hear. Promptings are weird. Act on them. Even if you are questioning if they are real or not. Just do it, if they are a good thing.
One of the 70 came to speak to us this week as well. It was a very special devotional, and I felt a connection to his words.
About the MTC Psychosis by the way, it's real. Elder Pettitt microwaved an apple yesterday. He said it tasted almost better. Honestly, I don't blame him for trying it.
Greek phrase of the week:Να φασ ζύλο - you should eat wood (used as kinda as an insult if someone is annoying)
Hope yall are doing well!
Elder Hansen