
"...I have no idea if this exposure is going to be in focus..."

Hello! My name is DJ (Dylan) Hansen. If you couldn't tell, I enjoy making stuff.

This website has been created to talk about projects that I have endorsed,  working on, or have made. You can audition for roles, submit resumes, stay up to date with projects, hear about awards, and attend events that have work involved with projects under the name, "Experimental Entertainment".

You probably noticed that this website's link is "lotsof.rocks" but is actually called "Experimental Entertainment". That's because plans are in the works for lotsof.rocks to a website for more than film making. Also, the link is hilarious and unforgettable.

I don't want to be bound by a film company, but in the cases that places ask for something of the sort, I use "Experimental Entertainment". I like the idea that we shoot to do something new every single project, even if it's the smallest thing. We shouldn't stay in our corners, but try to grow and do new things. Even if it's been done before, we try it for ourselves.