9:45 Thoughts

Short email this week! Sorry, not sorry!
To be quite frank with you, I literally sat down to write this at like 9:45 pm thinking, "Yeah I've got enough time to at least write something decent."
One of our friends texted me to tell me he didn't want to be baptized anymore literally as I pulled up my keyboard.
I say this often, but there isn't a much in this world more important than the person in front of you.
Well, I'm writing this at 10:25 pm after getting off a very productive one-on-one call with him. He is such an excellent person, being so young yet so willing to follow God. But yes, the demands of discipleship is hard. So hard.
For those curious, yes we are still going to be meeting with him. And he is still wanting to follow the path of the Church. Just committing to a baptism right now is not something he is comfortable with. We missionaries often jump to the worst conclusion when a bomb like that is dropped on us, but I've begun to learn talking it out often clarifies things. And asking inspired questions will often lead those to the truth. We really don't need to say much.
Sometimes, I think we too often ask questions with the prior intention of answering it for them. In our response.
Even if you don't answer the question you've asked someone, if it was an inspired question, that question has worked inside them and nourished the seed of faith. Grant them the chance to work it in their heart. Allow them to see it is a good seed.
Love you all, and have a blessed week!
Elder Dylan Hansen
PS: Saw a 2,400 year old ship today. Pretty cool!!